Fabric | Biodegradable Fabric | What are the ingredients in Turfquick?

Grass roll or also called Fabric is a simple way to get grass to grow where you need it without back pain.

The biodegradable textile roll is embedded with grass seed, fertiliser and hydrogel. It is an easy-to-transport cloth roll made of cellulose, the size is 50×0.8 meters (40 sq m). The roll weighs just over … 5 kg.

Biodegradable Grass Seed Mat is your new growing solution that makes everything easier. All you need is to roll out the mat on your preferred surface, water it thoroughly, and watch it grow in about five weeks!
The mat is made of three layers of bio fabric, and moisture-holding and nutrients bio fabric. It’s perfect for all lawns, no matter what climate it is! It produces fast germination and uniform growth.

Patented innovation that we manufacture in Sweden.

We manufacture our rolling grass fabric from FSC-certified wood fiber and then sew grass seeds and fertiliser into this to give the seeds an optimal growth environment. The textile holds the moisture extremely well and the growth of the lawn is faster. The grass quickly begins to take root and then grow up.

After a few days you will see the first straws. After two weeks you have a lot of grass and then you can add/throw out a little extra nutrition (lawn fertiliser on grains) if you want to speed up the process even more. After two to three weeks (the grass is 8-10 cm) you mow the grass for the first time (cut max 1/3) and after this the mat quickly grows dense and fine.

Our product is also perfect for sloping plots and slopes as the grass seeds are sewn into the canvas and lie still where they should be.
grass seed mat
bio fabric grass roll

Eco Grass Roll Contents:

  • The high-quality and award-winning seeds that are a mix of different varieties are evenly distributed to cover every square meter.
  • The fertiliser provides nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are necessary for the germination of the grass.
  • Hydrogel is another innovative solution. The evenly distributed hydrogel ensures that constant moisture is maintained exactly where it is needed – close to the grass roots. It reduces the need for watering and keeps the lawn always green and fresh.
  • Hållbarhet på 18 månader.

Roll out, water and get a perfect result in a few weeks!

This is the best solution for growing or landscaping your lawn easily and smoothly. This exclusive grass seed mix provides a fast-established and beautiful fine-leaf lawn.

All in one “only on the cellulose/Bio-Fabric”. However, we have a product that makes the whole job easier. See how you can create a perfect lawn all by yourself, in just 10-14 days.

Grass seed mat germination

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Maintenance | The care guide

In ideal conditions, most grass seed species will begin to grow in about 8-10 days after initial sowing.

Grow A Beautiful Lush Green Lawn In Just Four Weeks, No Manual Care Required!

With our product, we use the best seeds and seed mixtures developed by researchers and horticultural experts at DLF Seeds and which are then tested by SCANTURF and SCANGREEN, a development program from the seed industry by researchers in Scandinavia. The mixes are specifically designed for our climate and with our product you can lay lawns all year round when there is no frost or snow, of course. Our product weighs only 20 kg for 200 m2, so it is easy to roll out and carry. When you water the cloth, it sticks to the soil and then you just need to water and keep the cloth moist. Often you water, for example, in the morning and evening at the beginning.

Winner Best New Product at the Worlds most respected Hardware Show in USA 2022 | Winner of 5 international awards as best product of the year.

Lawn Roll - Sod - Grass
Pinnacle-award-2022 USA
grass seed
Grass seed mat Turfquick®
grass seed
grass seed

Biodegradable and compostable.

The eco fabric makes it possible to protect grass seeds from ants until they germinate. Ants are a common problem and a serious factor when planting grass. They are capable of “harvesting” the seeds over a large area, robbing you of the perfect lawn or sprouting grass altogether. The traditional solution is spraying with insecticide. With our Grass Roll Mat, the seeds are protected from ants and birds and no insecticides are required. In addition, the fabric in which the seeds are embedded is biodegradable and the hydrogel is safe for both humans and nature. It’s not just ants and birds that can ruin the fun of creating the perfect lawn. A similar result can occur during traditional spring or fall rains. Even the slightest slope of the terrain creates conditions for water to carry away the extremely light grass seeds. This common problem is also solved with the Grass Roller. The biodegradable fabric holds the seeds until they germinate and prevents water from carrying the seeds away.

Ideal for sloping plot | Our grass seed mix for slopes and sloping areas.

The eco fabric makes it possible to protect grass seeds from ants until they germinate. Ants are a common problem and a serious factor when planting grass. They are capable of “harvesting” the seeds over a large area, robbing you of the perfect lawn or sprouting grass altogether. The traditional solution is spraying with insecticide. With our Grass Roll Mat, the seeds are protected from ants and birds and no insecticides are required. In addition, the fabric in which the seeds are embedded is biodegradable and the hydrogel is safe for both humans and nature. It’s not just ants and birds that can ruin the fun of creating the perfect lawn. A similar result can occur during traditional spring or fall rains. Even the slightest slope of the terrain creates conditions for water to carry away the extremely light grass seeds. This common problem is also solved with the Grass Roller. The biodegradable fabric holds the seeds until they germinate and prevents water from carrying the seeds away.

lawn watering
Watering your turf

30-60% Less irrigation.

The grass roll with embedded hydronanogel is a prerequisite for reducing the water required for irrigation. Hydronanogel is a substance that absorbs and retains water. 1 gram of granules absorbs up to 300 ml of water, which is gradually absorbed by the grass roots later. Hydronanogel is safe for people and nature. It is active in the soil for 5 years. Improves soil structure and increases aeration.

Suitable for restoring damaged areas on existing lawns | Repair your lawn easily.

Grass roller is a practical repair for damaged areas of your existing lawn. It is common for a pet to damage areas of existing lawn. A change in landscape design, additional building work or intensive sports activities can also cause damage to the grass. The grass roller allows the shape of the damaged area to be cut out and applied (it is necessary to remove plants, roots and side objects and level it).
damaged lawn
grass seed lawn

Good time to roll out in warm soil | Choose the right grass seed and succeed with your lawn

Thanks to the mechanical application of high-quality seeds, fertilisers and hydroponic gel, even grass growth is achieved, which is a prerequisite for the perfect lawn. Fine-grained, organic fertiliser NPK complex fertiliser is incorporated into Grass roll mat with a unique combination of two nitrogen supply technologies for an efficient and environmentally friendly supply of nutrients. The grass roll creates the conditions for rapid germination and you can enjoy the first shoots from the 10th day after laying.

See how easy and fast it is to sow grass in your garden like a professional

If you haven't found the information you need about our products on the website or labels, we are available and happy to help.

Excellent alternative to finished lawn

Our Grass Roll is an alternative to finished lawn. Each grass method has advantages and disadvantages. Usually, the people and companies that offer the ready lawn service do not have a very large window of time to perform the service. 

Restriction due to weather, due to delivery of turf. It is therefore normal that they cannot accept all orders. Especially those for 10-20-30-40-50-100 square meters.

  • With our Grass Roll, you can take care of the grass yourself when you have the time and desire. 
  • A Finished lawn for 100 square meters weighs from 1500 to 2500 kg, depending on the type. These are shipping costs. This is a transfer work.
  • Our grass roll weighs 4.5 kg. For 120 square metres, the weight is 12 kg – 3 rolls.
  • Another point is the laying time. Finished turf must be placed within 48 hours of removal. Taking into account the transport time to your garden, there is generally 24 hours left for it to be placed on the ground. With our Grass Roller there are no limits. You can add the roll when you have time and desire, even in parts.

Our customers are satisfied customers | References

We have many satisfied customers and here you can see what our references are.
turf grass
soccer grass
turf golf
lawn green
shadow lawn
lawn premium